February Smokehouse
President’s message . . .
It’s been an interest few weeks at the Branch:
First our Fire Panel at the Branch failed. It needed to be replaced at a cost of $2,600, that is now in the works.
The Beer Cooler has been giving us a difficult time over the past few months. Repairs last year cost $1,300.00 and this year $600.00. We keep trying to make the existing system work, it’s an old system and some of the components are not compatible. We decided to replace the whole system which will be more reliable and keep the system at the appropriate temperature.
The Chili Cook Off will return to the Branch March 8 (noon to 3:30 p.m.) The cookoff is a 10-team format with two team members per team There is a $10.00 Team registration to compete and a $5.00 tasting/voting fee throughout the afternoon There are three medals 1st 2nd and 3rd. Last year was a fun afternoon tasting and discussion on the varied chili receipts. To enter a team email royhaggart@rogers.com
Cornhole Tuesdays and Wednesdays are going strong with a total of 24 Teams. Lots of participation and a fun night out.
Join us for our Valentine’s Dinner and Movie Feb 14th Dinner5:00 p.m. Movie at 6:45 everyone welcome
Canadian Tire 9 Ball Tournament 11:30 Jan 25th $15.00 Prizes thank you Canadian Tire.
Thanks to the generous donation of a senior member, the carpet in the Lounge and Hallway will be replaced Jan 26, Jan 27 and Jan 28.
We are also working to replace Chairs in the Lounge. You can participate by buying one or two chairs as a donation to the Branch the cost is $179.99 contact Barry Humphrey 1 705 872 2348
We continue to attract new members to the Branch If you have some time and would like to help at the Legion Level, Please contact me 519 442 6198 royhaggart@rogers.com
An election will be held at the Branch April 16, 2025, for all positions including President, 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and 6 Executive Members. Meeting time is 7:30 p.m. at the Branch. This will be a two-year term of the Executive starting June 2025. We will need a full component on the executive. If you would like more information in regards to the duties please give me a call or send me an email, I would be happy to meet with you.
Back on Sept 23, 2024, we held a neighbourhood meeting to sit down with our neighbours. We had approximately 16 neighbours. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss our Saturday afternoon BBQ and music on the Patio.
We have submitted an exemption application to the County to operate our BBQ’s with music on the Pario starting in May through October. We estimate we had a loss in revenue for this summer at our BBQ’s of approximately $6,000.00 We cannot continue to have this loss in revenue.
Ladies Darts on Thursday nights is still (7:00 p.m.) going strong, this is a fun league and you are encouraged to drop in on Thursday nights a fun time for all.
Men’s 8 Ball pool League Thursday nights 7:00 p.m. We have some openings if you would like to play, come on out.
We have a new 50/50 Ticket on sale at the Bar The maximum number of tickets is 300 and the cost is $20.00, If we sell them all the payout will be $3,000.00 Tickets available at the Bar don’t miss this one.
Thanks to all for your support of the Branch
Roy Haggart
519 442 6198
From the Kitchen . . .
We are now offering Fish and Chips every 2nd Friday of the month and Wings and Fries every 4th Friday of the month. Our 2 new fryers have been busy cooking up a storm for these Fridays. There are 2 weeks in between for anyone who wants to come and show off their cooking abilities. Come make your favourite dish. We do Celebrations of Life and Luncheons for $12.50 per person. If you have a celebration coming up and would like to have it at the Branch, please give us a call to discuss dinner, celebration etc. We look forward to hearing from you.
Helen Banks
RCL Branch 29 Paris
Secretary, Kitchen Coordinator
Announcement . . .
The Legion is proud to announce that our wonderful seniors have donated a new carpet for our local. Chairs and tables also needed to get ready for our 100th anniversary coming in October 2026.
Barry Humphrey
2nd Vice-President
Coming Events. . .
Saturday, February 1st – Euchre. 12.30 p.m. Registration, 1:00 p.m. start, $5 person
Friday, February 14th – Valentine’s Day Dinner & Movie. $20. Dinner at beginning at 5, Movie at 6:45 p.m. Poster below
Friday, February 28 – Trivia, 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 8 – Chili Cook-Off. Registration form attached.
Saturday, March 15 – St. Patrick’s Day Pub Night. Live entertainment.