President’s report

The snow over the past few weeks has been a real test on our shoveling ability and we got through it – so enough is enough.

Over the last couple of months, I have encountered some personal health issues that have required me to seek medical advice. Through those discussions I have requested a 90-day Leave of Absence from my duties at the Branch.

Earl MacDonald 1st Vice President will take over command of Branch 29 in the in term along with the assistance of Barry Humphrey 2nd Vice President.

We have a great Executive Committee so along with these members the Branch is in very capable hands.

On Tuesday, February 25, Earl MacDonald and I attended the Brant County Council Meeting to request an answer to our request for an Exemption to the County Noise Bylaw 108-22. This would permit music on our Patio from May to October in conjunction with our Saturday afternoon BBQ’s Our application for exemption was APPROVED.

We have had some major replacements to our  equipment at the Branch during the month of February. The Fire Alarm Panel has been replaced as well as our antiquated Beer Cooler system. Through a generous donation of one of our members we also replaced the carpet in the lounge this month.

Our renovations to the Branch are ongoing. Thanks to all for your ongoing financial support.

Trivia, as well as all our sports programs are well attended on a weekly basis.

 We are considering slotting in Bingo a couple of times a month, most likely in the afternoon. This will all depend on interest of members and guests Please let us know your interest and email Tracy at

As we get closer to May, we will be accepting help to organize and move forward our Saturday Afternoon BBQ’s. If you can help a few times throughout the month, please let us know. Contact Helen by email at

Roy Haggart
RCL Branch 29 Paris

March activities

Friday, March 7th. Karoake. 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. with Terry Phipps.

Saturday, March 8th. Chili Cook OffSee the poster below.

Saturday, March 15th. St. Patrick’s Day supper and live entertainment. 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. See the poster below. Reserved seating with dinner ticket purchase. There will be a limited number of seats available on a first-come-first served basis for entertainment only.

Friday, March 21st. Trivia. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

From the kitchen

We are now offering Fish and Chips every 2nd Friday of the month and Wings and Fries every 4th Friday of the month.  That leaves two Fridays open. 

If you would like to come out and show off your cooking skills on either of the other two Fridays just let us know.  We have a support team ready to go. Come out on March 15th to enjoy Corned Beef on rye at the St. Patrick’s Day supper with live entertainment.

Helen Banks
RCL Branch 29 Paris Secretary, Kitchen Coordinator