President’s message
Hi everyone,
I hope you had a wonderful April and looking forward to nicer May weather.
April was a good month for us. We finished up our last Friday dinner. We Had the biggest crowd yet for Trivia. We also had a pool tournament which was won by Roger H.
The 300 club tickets are all sold. The early bird was drawn on April 20th. Congratulations to Eliza C. for being the winner. The final draw will be held on May 18th.
On to upcoming events.
Sunday, May 12th. Mother’s Day Breakfast. 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Scrambled eggs, sausage, peameal bacon, brown beans, toast, coffee, tea, and pastries. Free pancakes for the kids.
Wednesday, May 15th. General Meeting, 7:30 p.m. At the meeting we will be discussing our ByLaws. They have not been approved since 2014 and Command wants them updated. There have been suggestions on some changes. These need to be approved at this meeting. A copy of the ByLaws is available at the Branch. If you would like to have input and a vote on the changes but can’t attend you are able to email me or any other Executive Committee member. We will read out your concern or support and will cast your vote for you. The only concern about an item to be changed is the raising of the Brach ability to spent up to $2000 without General membership approval. We are not doing this to circumvent the memberships right, to approve any bigger amounts of money to be spent. This is being done because we have not updated our ByLaws for 10 years. It went to $1000 from the current $500 a few years ago and now sits at $2000. This is being suggested by Ontario Command, as the cost of items that we may need to purchase has continued to rise. A plumber is about $300 an hour and would only be there less than 2 hours before the $500 would be reached. Add parts and we could be holding up the item for 3 months as that is how often we have a General Meeting. But you the Membership gets the Final vote. So come out and hear all the preposed amendments to the current Bylaws. If you can’t make it to the Branch, but would like a hard copy of the ByLaws, you can do so by calling the Branch or emailing any of our executive.
Friday, May 17th. Trivia Night. 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 18th. Branch 8-Ball Tournament. You must be a member to play.
Saturday, May 18th. 300 Club Draw. Starting at 1:00 p.m. Come out and see if you have won a prize or just to cheer someone else to the win. Remember all funds raised by this draw go to support youth sports in Paris.
Saturday, June 1st. Spring Bazaar. There will be food available at this event.
Saturday, June 8th. BBQ season opens. If you would like to help out this summer please email or call us and leave a message.
Donald MacLeod
Br. 29 President